Faleeq Susu Kambing Koko 550g
Best Before: 03/2025
Imported from Holland. Pure goat's milk with premium cocoa powder. Indulge your tastebuds with rich chocolatey taste while reaping the benefits of goat's milk. Perfect for healthy lifestyle chocolate lover.
✅Tepung Susu Kambing Berkualiti Diimport dari Holland
✅Ditambah ekstrak serbuk koko (bukan perasa/perisa)
✅Mengandungi kalsium yang tinggi secara semulajadi yang bagus untuk meningkatkan kepadatan tulang.
✅Baik untuk paru-paru, perut dan usus, terutamanya untuk orang yang mengalami asma.
✅Mudah untuk dicerna. Susu kambing membentuk dadih susu yang lebih lembut dan lebih mudah untuk dicerna. Kajian menunjukkan susu kambing hanya mengambil masa satu pertiga dari masa untuk mencernakan susu lembu.
✅ Kurang risiko alahan. Susu kambing mengandungi unsur alahan yang rendah.
Golongan yang paling ramai amalkan Susu FALEEQ adalah:
1) Kanak-kanak 2 tahun ke atas
2) Ibu Hamil (Seawal kehamilan)
3) Ibu Berpantang
4) Ibu Menyusui
5) Pelajar dan dewasa
6) Warga Emas
7) Pasangan ikhtiar hamil
FALEEQ Goat's Milk using Premium Quality Goat's Milk Powder imported from Holland. Pure Goat's Milk combine with cocoa powder. Suitable for children 2 years and above, toddler, pregnant mother, lactating mother, student, adult, expecting couple, and whole family. Goat's milk is a rich source of selenium which is a key component in boosting the immune system, further helping to keep health hazards at bay. It is only when the immune system is functioning at its best; the body is able to stay robust and healthy. ✅Naturally High in Calcium which can increase bone density.
✅Good for lung, stomach & intestine which beneficial for asthma people.
✅Easier to digest. Goat's milk form softer curds which can be digested faster than dense cow's milk curd.
✅Reduce allergenic burden. Goat's milk contains lesser allergens than cow's milk